Say Goodbye To Tennis Elbow Misery With These Unconventional Tricks!

tennis elbow relief and treatment


Are you feeling the sting of tennis elbow, putting a dampener on your daily activities? Tennis elbow is an overused injury often caused by repetitive forearm muscle contractions. Our article offers a wealth of unconventional tricks that can help alleviate this painful condition and regain comfort in your life.

Intrigued? Read on and say goodbye to the misery of tennis elbow!

Key Takeaways

  • Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition characterized by inflammation in the tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the outside of the elbow joint.

  • Conventional treatment options for tennis elbow include rest or modifications, ice therapy, physiotherapy, and medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

  • However, there are also unconventional tricks that can provide relief from tennis elbow. These include acupuncture or dry needling, shockwave therapy, nerve flossing, heavy resistance strengthening exercises, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.

  • Home remedies such as aloe vera juice and essential oils can also be effective in managing tennis elbow symptoms.

What is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the outside of the elbow joint.


Tennis elbow, known medically as lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition occurring when tendons in your elbow are overburdened. Often caused by repetitive motions of the arm and wrist, it doesn't solely affect tennis players but can strike anyone involved in activities requiring these movements.

The term 'tennis elbow' stems from its common occurrence amongst this sport's participants. Pain radiates from the outside of the elbow to your forearm and wrist due to inflammation or damage at the origin point of the tendon attached to bone- called lateral epicondyle.

It's a type of repetitive strain injury that indicates either an inflammatory response - tendinitis, or tissue damage - tendinosis, within these tissues surrounding your precious joint.

tennis elbow pain causes


Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is often a result of repetitive stress on the wrist and arm. Despite its name suggesting a condition exclusive to tennis players, anyone who makes repeated motions with their forearm can fall victim – this includes typists, plumbers, musicians and those involved in weight lifting too.

Ageing increases the likelihood of developing tennis elbow due to wear-and-tear mechanisms causing degeneration in tissues.

At the root cause are the small tears that occur in your forearm tendons close to these bony bumps. This happens particularly around an area called Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB), which stabilises your wrist when you grip something - be it a racket or any other object - with a straight arm.

Activities like improperly hitting tennis balls consistently may instigate such microtrauma leading to pain over time if not addressed promptly and properly.

While playing sports like badminton or tennis may increase chances of experiencing tennis elbow symptoms more quickly due to inadequate technique usage, certain everyday activities involving repetitive wrist movements can also contribute similarly.

Wrist bending significantly amplifies the risk factor as well.

Remember that prevention is better than cure; proper warm-up before physical activity along with maintaining correct positioning are key actions for avoiding this discomforting situation down the line.


Experiencing the pain and discomfort of tennis elbow can be an excruciating ordeal. The primary symptom is a sharp, stinging ache in the outer elbow which has been known to spread across your entire arm.

In some cases, this condition may also trigger other signs of cervical radiculopathy such as neck discomfort, shoulder agony, or varying degrees of arm pain.

Further investigation often reveals tenderness and swelling around the affected elbow joint. Your everyday activities might be impeded by severe soreness and limited movement within the area.

For athletes like tennis players or weight lifters who rely heavily on their arms for performance, these symptoms can become significant hindrances in pursuing their sports activities with full gusto.

Tennis elbow needs timely treatment to prevent potential complications and further limitations due to this debilitating ailment.

Conventional Treatment Options

Rest or modifications, ice therapy, physiotherapy, and medications are some of the conventional treatment options for tennis elbow.

Rest or Modifications

Resting and making modifications in your activities are key factors in treating tennis elbow. Giving your injured arm the rest it needs allows for proper healing and prevents further aggravation of the condition.

This means avoiding repetitive motions or actions that worsen the pain, such as gripping or lifting heavy objects. By modifying your activities, you can reduce strain on the affected tendons and give them a chance to recover.

It's important to find a balance between rest and exercise, gradually reintroducing movement without causing excessive pain. Remember, recovery takes time, so be patient with yourself and allow your body the opportunity to heal properly.


One commonly recommended treatment for tennis elbow is the use of ice. However, it's important to understand that icing the area may not actually be effective in treating this condition.

Tennis elbow is not primarily an inflammatory issue, so using ice to reduce inflammation may not provide significant relief. In fact, icing the elbow can potentially slow down the healing process.

Instead, ice should only be used as a short-term method to decrease pain. If you're looking for long-term relief and faster recovery from tennis elbow, there are other unconventional tricks that may be more effective.


Physiotherapy is a recommended treatment option for tennis elbow, focusing on achieving pain relief and reducing inflammation. This approach utilizes manual therapy, advice, and exercises to effectively reduce pain associated with tennis elbow and improve function and movement.

Physiotherapy aims to help you recover faster by providing personalized care that targets your specific needs. By working closely with a physiotherapist, you can learn proper techniques for exercises and activities to prevent further damage while promoting healing.

With ongoing research in managing tennis elbow, physiotherapy remains at the forefront of identifying effective treatment options to provide long-term relief.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, are commonly used in the conventional treatment of tennis elbow. These medications help reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with the condition.

Both topical and oral NSAIDs can be used to manage tennis elbow, providing effective relief for many individuals. It is important to follow the recommended dosage instructions and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any medication regimen.

With proper use, medications can be a helpful component of a comprehensive treatment plan for tennis elbow.

Unconventional Tricks for Tennis Elbow Relief

Some unconventional tricks for tennis elbow relief include acupuncture or dry needling, shockwave therapy, nerve flossing, heavy resistance strengthening, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.

Acupuncture / Dry Needling

Acupuncture and dry needling are unconventional but effective treatment options for tennis elbow. Acupuncture works by reducing inflammation, increasing blood flow, relieving pain, and restoring mobility in the elbow.

It has a strong analgesic effect on elbow pain and can provide long-term relief. On the other hand, dry needling involves repeatedly sticking a needle into tissues to release myofascial trigger points in the elbow that contribute to pain and affect muscle function.

Both acupuncture and dry needling have been studied for their effectiveness in treating tennis elbow, so they are worth considering as part of your treatment plan.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment option for tennis elbow that has been shown to be highly effective in reducing pain and improving grip strength. This therapy involves the use of high-intensity sound waves to target areas of chronic inflammation, stimulating the healing process and providing relief from discomfort.

It offers several benefits over traditional treatment methods, with studies showing that combining shockwave therapy with traditional physical therapy produces better results than physical therapy alone.

In fact, it has been investigated as an alternative to other forms of treatment for both tennis elbow and golfer's elbow. With a four-week program, shockwave therapy provides fast and effective relief for those suffering from tennis elbow, making it a promising approach worth considering.

Nerve Flossing

Nerve flossing, also known as nerve glides, is a technique that can bring much-needed relief to those suffering from tennis elbow. This unconventional treatment targets the irritated nerves and helps release them from any restrictions or entrapments.

By gently moving the affected nerve back and forth, nerve flossing can alleviate the pain associated with tennis elbow and promote healing. Research has shown promising results for this alternative method, making it a valuable addition to conventional treatments like rest, physiotherapy, and medications.

So if you're looking for non-invasive ways to find long-term relief from tennis elbow misery, give nerve flossing a try!

Heavy Resistance Strengthening

One unconventional trick for relieving tennis elbow is through heavy resistance strengthening exercises. These exercises involve using weights or resistance bands to target and strengthen the forearm muscles, which can help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with tennis elbow.

Research has shown that these types of exercises can provide significant relief and prevent the recurrence of tennis elbow. For example, one study found that eccentric contractions (where the muscle lengthens while under tension) were particularly effective in stimulating tendon healing and reducing symptoms in those with tennis elbow.

So if you're looking for a unique approach to treating your tennis elbow, incorporating heavy resistance strengthening exercises into your routine may just be the ticket to finding long-term relief.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a promising treatment option for tennis elbow that aims to accelerate the body's natural healing process. This procedure involves extracting a small amount of blood from the patient, which is then processed to separate the platelets.

These platelets are rich in growth factors and other beneficial substances that can aid in tissue regeneration and repair. Once prepared, the platelet-rich plasma is injected directly into the affected area, such as the elbow tendon.

Studies have shown that PRP therapy may be more effective than corticosteroid shots in providing relief from tennis elbow symptoms. It has been used for many years as a minimally invasive treatment for lateral elbow tendinopathy, including both tennis elbow and golfer's elbow.

However, it's important to note that while some patients experience significant pain reduction after PRP injection, others may not respond as favorably.

Home Remedies

One option for managing tennis elbow symptoms is to try home remedies. These natural treatments can provide relief and help promote healing. Here are some effective home remedies for tennis elbow:

  • Aloe vera juice: Aloe vera has healing and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and swelling in the affected area. Drinking aloe vera juice regularly can aid in the recovery of tennis elbow.

  • Ice packs: Applying ice packs to the affected area can help control swelling and provide pain relief. The cold temperature constricts blood vessels, reducing inflammation and numbing the area.

  • RICE method: Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) is a popular treatment approach for tennis elbow. Resting the arm allows time for healing, while ice helps reduce swelling. Compression with a bandage or brace provides support, and elevating the arm can alleviate pressure on the injured area.

  • Warm compresses: In addition to using ice packs, warm compresses can also be beneficial in relieving tennis elbow pain. The warmth helps increase blood flow to the area, promoting healing.

Benefits of Unconventional Tricks

Unconventional tricks for tennis elbow relief offer non-invasive and effective solutions, resulting in faster recovery and long-term relief.


One of the key benefits of using unconventional tricks for treating tennis elbow is that they are non-invasive. This means that you can find relief from your symptoms without having to undergo surgery or other invasive procedures.

Non-invasive treatments such as acupuncture, shockwave therapy, and nerve flossing have shown effective results in relieving pain and promoting healing. These alternatives provide a more natural approach to treating tennis elbow and can be a great option for those who want to avoid surgical interventions.

With these methods, you can experience faster recovery and long-term relief from your tennis elbow misery, allowing you to get back to doing the activities you love without discomfort.


Exercise therapy, along with rest, is essential for treating tennis elbow. Engaging in specific strengthening and stretching exercises can help alleviate pain and improve muscle function in the affected area.

Additionally, manual therapy techniques like acupuncture or dry needling have been found to be effective in reducing inflammation and promoting healing. Shockwave therapy is another unconventional trick that has shown promise in providing relief from tennis elbow symptoms.

It uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate blood flow and tissue regeneration. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is also gaining popularity as an effective treatment option for tennis elbow by injecting concentrated platelets into the affected area to promote healing.

Faster recovery

Faster recovery is a crucial aspect for anyone suffering from tennis elbow, and fortunately, there are unconventional tricks that can help speed up the healing process. One effective method is shockwave therapy, which has been shown to reduce tennis elbow recovery time and promote faster healing of other musculoskeletal disorders.

Another technique called nerve flossing helps to gently mobilize the affected nerves and improve circulation in the area, leading to quicker relief. Additionally, heavy resistance strengthening exercises can also accelerate recovery by stimulating muscle growth and promoting tissue repair.

By incorporating these unconventional tricks into your treatment plan, you can experience faster relief from tennis elbow and get back to doing what you love sooner.

Long-term relief

One of the significant benefits of utilizing unconventional tricks for tennis elbow relief is the potential for long-term relief. While conventional treatment options may provide temporary relief, they often fail to address the root cause of the condition.

Unconventional approaches such as acupuncture, shockwave therapy, and heavy resistance strengthening target the underlying issues causing tennis elbow, promoting long-term healing and preventing future flare-ups.

These methods not only alleviate pain but also improve mobility and strengthen the affected area, leading to sustained improvement over time. By incorporating these unconventional tricks into your treatment plan, you can say goodbye to tennis elbow misery once and for all.

Precautions and Risks

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any unconventional treatment options for tennis elbow to ensure they are suitable and safe for your specific condition.

Consulting with a healthcare professional

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional if you are experiencing tennis elbow symptoms. They can accurately diagnose your condition and provide personalized treatment options for your specific needs.

Whether it's rest and modifications, physiotherapy, or even unconventional techniques like acupuncture or shockwave therapy, a healthcare professional will guide you towards the most effective approach for relieving your tennis elbow pain.

By seeking their expertise, you can ensure that you are on the right path to recovery and prevent any further aggravation of your condition. Remember, everyone's situation is unique, so consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial in finding the best course of action for treating your tennis elbow.

Potential side effects

It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any unconventional tricks for tennis elbow relief, as there can be potential side effects.

For example, acupuncture and dry needling may cause temporary discomfort or bruising at the needle insertion sites. Shockwave therapy may result in mild soreness or redness in the treated area.

Nerve flossing exercises should be done carefully to avoid aggravating symptoms. Heavy resistance strengthening exercises may lead to muscle soreness initially.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy carries minimal risks but can cause temporary pain or swelling at the injection site.

Lifestyle Changes for Preventing Tennis Elbow

To prevent tennis elbow, it's important to incorporate proper warm-up and stretching routines before engaging in any physical activity.

Proper warm-up and stretching

Proper warm-up and stretching are essential for preventing and managing tennis elbow. Before engaging in any activities that involve repetitive arm motions, it is crucial to take the time to warm up the muscles and increase blood flow to the area.

This can be done through gentle exercises such as arm circles or wrist rotations. Stretching exercises specifically targeting the forearm muscles can also help improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can protect your elbows and potentially avoid experiencing the discomfort of tennis elbow altogether.

Using proper technique

Practicing proper form and technique while playing is crucial in preventing tennis elbow. Instead of solely relying on your wrist, make sure to utilize your whole arm when hitting the ball.

This helps distribute the force and stress evenly throughout your muscles and tendons, reducing the strain on specific areas like the forearm. Additionally, straightening your wrists while playing can also help prevent tennis elbow by minimizing excessive bending and twisting motions.

By incorporating these techniques into your game, you can significantly decrease the risk of developing tennis elbow and enjoy a pain-free experience on the court. Strengthening exercises for the forearm muscles can further enhance these preventive measures, keeping you in top form and protecting against future injuries.

Strengthening exercises

To help alleviate the pain and discomfort of tennis elbow, incorporating strengthening exercises into your treatment plan can be highly beneficial. These exercises are designed to target the muscles and tendons in your forearm, promoting strength and flexibility. Here are some effective exercises to consider:

  1. Wrist curls: Hold a lightweight dumbbell or resistance band in your hand with your palm facing upward. Slowly curl your wrist towards your body, then slowly release it back down. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  2. Reverse wrist curls: Similar to wrist curls, but this time, hold the weight or resistance band with your palm facing downward. Curl your wrist away from your body and then lower it back down. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  3. Pronation and supination: Hold a lightweight dumbbell or similar object in front of you with your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle. Rotate your forearm inward (pronation) and then outward (supination). Complete 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions on each arm.

  4. Eccentric wrist extensions: Place your affected arm on a table with a lightweight dumbbell or resistance band in hand. Slowly lower the weight towards the ground by extending your wrist, then use your unaffected hand to assist in lifting it back up to starting position. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  5. Grip strengthening exercises: Squeeze a stress ball or tennis ball as tightly as you can for several seconds, then release. Repeat this exercise multiple times throughout the day to improve grip strength and forearm stability.

Ergonomic considerations

Proper ergonomics is crucial for individuals suffering from tennis elbow. One of the main causes of this condition is poor office ergonomics, which can put strain on the muscles and tendons in the arm.

Making ergonomic adjustments, such as ensuring proper chair height and positioning, using a wrist rest while typing, and maintaining good posture, can help alleviate the symptoms of tennis elbow.

Activities that involve repetitive extension of the wrist, like gardening or carpentry, should also be done with caution and proper ergonomic tools to prevent further aggravation. Strengthening exercises targeted at the forearm muscles can also aid in preventing tennis elbow.

Importance of Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are crucial for healing tennis elbow. Taking adequate rest periods allows the injured tissues to repair and reduces inflammation. Incorporating recovery exercises, such as gentle stretching and self-massage, can also aid in the healing process.

Discover more about the importance of rest and recovery for tennis elbow relief by reading the full article!

Rest and Recovery periods

Rest and recovery periods are crucial for anyone dealing with tennis elbow. While resting is often recommended, it's important to understand that tendons need more than just rest to properly heal.

Too much rest can actually be detrimental to the healing process. Resting allows the tendons to heal themselves and return to normal, but active recovery is also key. Gentle exercise during these recovery periods helps increase blood circulation and removes waste products from the soft tissues, aiding in the healing process.

So while rest is important, incorporating active recovery exercises can promote faster healing and overall well-being for individuals experiencing tennis elbow.

Recovery exercises

Recovery exercises are an important component of treating tennis elbow and supporting the healing process. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles and tendons in the affected arm, promote flexibility, and reduce pain. Here are some key recovery exercises for tennis elbow:

  1. Wrist Extension Stretch: Extend your affected arm in front of you with your palm facing down. Use your other hand to gently bend your wrist back until you feel a stretch in the forearm muscles. Hold for 15-30 seconds and repeat 3-5 times.

  2. Eccentric Exercises: These exercises involve slowly lowering a weight (such as a dumbbell) with your affected arm while resisting the force of gravity. Start with a light weight and gradually increase as tolerated. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  3. Forearm Pronation/Supination: Hold a small dumbbell or hammer handle in your hand with your palm facing up. Slowly rotate your forearm outward (supination) as far as you can without pain, then rotate inward (pronation). Repeat for 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  4. Flexbar Twist: Hold a Flexbar vertically with both hands in front of you, palms facing down. Twist the Flexbar by rotating only your injured wrist upward while keeping your forearm stable and still. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions.

  5. Finger Extension Exercise: Place a rubber band around all five fingers, then spread them apart against the resistance of the band. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Self-care practices

Taking care of yourself is an essential part of managing tennis elbow. Self-care practices can help reduce pain and promote healing. One important self-care practice is to avoid activities that worsen your symptoms, such as repetitive gripping or lifting heavy objects.

Applying ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day can also help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Additionally, gentle stretching exercises can improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles around the elbow joint, providing support for the injured tendon.

It's crucial to listen to your body and give yourself enough rest between activities to allow proper recovery time. By incorporating these self-care practices into your daily routine, you can take control of your tennis elbow and speed up your journey towards relief and recovery.

Supportive Products and Equipment

Tennis elbow braces provide support and compression to the affected area, helping to alleviate pain and promote healing. Compression sleeves can also be worn to provide stability and reduce inflammation in the elbow joint.

Ergonomic equipment, such as ergonomic keyboards or mouse pads, may help prevent further strain on the forearm muscles while performing daily tasks.

Tennis elbow braces

Tennis elbow braces are specially designed supports that provide targeted compression to the forearm muscles, offering relief from pain and discomfort associated with tennis elbow.

These braces are commonly used in the treatment and rehabilitation of tennis elbow, allowing individuals to continue their activities with reduced pain. There are various types of tennis elbow braces available on the market, each offering different levels of support and comfort.

Studies have shown that these braces can effectively reduce pain and improve function in individuals with tennis elbow. Some recommended options include the Abyon Elbow Brace & Compression Sleeve, Bodyprox Elbow Brace, and Kunto Fitness Elbow Brace Compression Support Sleeve.

Compression sleeves

Compression sleeves are a popular choice for those dealing with tennis elbow and tendonitis. These tight bands of fabric offer joint support and help prevent injury during physical activities like playing tennis.

They promote proper alignment, encourage blood flow to the affected area, and can alleviate tennis elbow pain in the short-term when worn. In fact, Tennis Wellbow is a new product specifically designed to tackle tennis elbow, recommended by the NHS as a solution for this condition.

Compression sleeves provide a comfortable and versatile option for managing the pain associated with tennis elbow, making them an effective tool for both on-court performance and off-court recovery.

Ergonomic equipment

Ergonomic equipment plays a crucial role in providing relief and preventing tennis elbow. By making simple adjustments to our workstations, such as using ergonomic mice and chairs, we can reduce muscle activity and alleviate pain.

Adjustable-height or sit-stand desks, along with monitor raisers, are also helpful in relieving symptoms. Poor office ergonomics can contribute to the development of tennis elbow, so it's important to invest in ergonomically designed equipment.

Flexispot ergo chairs with waterfall armrests have been found particularly beneficial for blue-collar workers prone to tennis elbow. By incorporating these ergonomic solutions into our daily routines, we can help manage and prevent this common repetitive stress injury among office workers.


In conclusion, these unconventional tricks offer hope for those suffering from the misery of tennis elbow. By exploring treatments such as acupuncture, shockwave therapy, and nerve flossing, individuals can find relief without invasive procedures or medications.

Incorporating lifestyle changes and supportive products into their routine can also help prevent future episodes of tennis elbow. With these options available, sufferers can say goodbye to the pain and discomfort of tennis elbow and get back to enjoying their favorite activities pain-free.


1. What are some unconventional tricks for relieving tennis elbow?

Some unconventional tricks for relieving tennis elbow include using a topical pain relief cream, practicing acupuncture or dry needling, trying eccentric exercise therapy, and using a vibrating massage tool.

2. Can I use these unconventional tricks alongside traditional treatments?

Yes, you can use these unconventional tricks alongside traditional treatments for tennis elbow such as rest, physical therapy exercises, wearing an elbow brace or support, and taking anti-inflammatory medications. It's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before trying any new treatment methods.

3. How long do these unconventional tricks take to show results?

The time it takes to see results from these unconventional tricks may vary depending on the individual and the severity of their tennis elbow. Some people may experience relief within a few days or weeks of consistently implementing these techniques, while others may require more time.

4. Are there any risks or side effects associated with these unconventional tricks?

While these unconventional tricks are generally considered safe, there can be some risks and side effects. For example, using topical pain relief creams excessively or incorrectly could lead to skin irritation. Acupuncture or dry needling should only be performed by trained professionals to minimize the risk of infection or injury. It's important to follow instructions carefully and listen to your body during any treatment method to avoid exacerbating your condition.

Josh Weight

Josh Weight | Founder of Gravity Physio

APA Titled Sports Physiotherapist

Josh is an expert sports and exercise physiotherapist, strength and conditioning coach and clinician, working with elite athletes and everyday clients of all ages and ability to bridge the gap in care. He has helped numerous people recover from injury and return to wellbeing. He has both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Physiotherapy from Sydney and Latrobe University, respectively.


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