Knee Arthritis can make us feel older. But we understand that you’re young at heart, and for that you need strong, healthy joints.

So, why not try our Evidence Backed OA Strong Program?

Our Programs for Hip, Ankle and Knee Osteoarthritis are Research based, safe and effective. Relieving pain and restoring function, helping you get back to living.

  • knee OA physio

    Knee OA

    Knee pain from arthritis can be a significant cause of reduced quality of life and function. Getting in control of your knee health can put you back in the drivers seat with your active life and help alleviate pain. Exercise, namely with progressive resistance training and physiotherapy, is proven to be effective in managing knee osteoarthritis and could help you and your knee.

  • Hip OA physio

    Hip Arthritis

    Did you know hip osteoarthritis also responds well to exercise and strengthening? By targeting the muscle around your hips and the big muscles in your legs we can alleviate the stress on your joints and reduced your pain, which will improve your function and ability to enjoy your life. Move better with us.

  • Ankle arthritis and Foot OA

    Foot and Ankle OA

    Targeting the muscles of your foot, calf and ankle we can improve your strength to relieve your joint pain. Couple this with effective physiotherapy treatment like massage and mobilisation and you’re on a winning path.